Found a soft lump on my puppies stomach? - soft squishy lumps on butt
You are at the end of his chest int center of his stomach. It's like a soft dough. However, appear to disappear, the pain for a while, if I push it and come in a few minutes. All ideas what might be? My dog is 5 months German shepherd.
This could be an umbilical hernia. A veterinarian must be selected. It should be established when it is sterilized, and they should be sterilized!
This is the opening in the abdominal wall to get the contents onto the ground. Sometimes a piece of the intestine can be .... Encounter sufficient if the opening is large and could be a medical emergency!
I like to see the vet, and ensure that it is safe to wait. If so, they take over from him in the sterilization.
Sounds like a hernia to me. Castrated On admission, the dog, or a veterinarian so that they too can see a look if the setting scholar Warren. Sometimes they sometimes put simply leave them alone. But I would not keep on playing. You can get more control or simply to a vet better safe than sorry. :)
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