Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wrought Iron Dog Beds Do Dogs Like Being With Humans Or Dogs More?

Do dogs like being with humans or dogs more? - wrought iron dog beds

I had a dog RESUCE almost 6 months. I'm back training, I am housebroken his command, and she slept in bed with me the whole time. They have just a family who make a dog as a pet and adopted a stray dog (and approved). The patio is great. It is large and fenced with black wrought iron.
But now, this dog in a dog outside. Did she know or keep losing potty training?
She missed the human interaction, it was with me - or a dog as a companion and a member firm packing, have to fill the void?
I wonder whether it is good to let a dog inside with a lot of interaction between man and dog outside (hot in Texas) with limited human interaction.


jaredbro... said...

I personally think that the people holding out, the dogs all the time not even a dog.

If you have a dog in the outdoors is, little can be done to other animals, insects, odors, heat, pain, wet with rain being attacked, and begins to intervene themselves, because there's no interaction in the interior.

Why have a dog, even if he can not sleep warm in the house during the winter or cold nights, or the house cool in hot weather. one of the best feelings in the world to touch the floor with your dog, or a sofa or bed.

Why is a dog that has worked so hard to train someone to go and eat once a day. If you do not want the dog to really love animals, they are not only fashionable and have a dog of the hell of it.

It is ridiculous to find new owners. because if you neglect this dog, it makes you so bad for them.


Elly said...

Dogs love human society more. Long ago, a few wolves in the development of their cars looking forward to the people and of domestic dogs, which we have today evolved. The dogs play with other dogs, get together with, but I * really * need the contact with people and society, including learning to live in our human world.

I think a dog that used to really misses with people, people, if you had all their time outdoors is spent with little contact with humans. In addition, probably the home of your skills and losing the human interaction.

You take care of these dogs that clearly, and I spent much time training. I think it is better to another family who love and care for them as much as you can and it is a dog house instead of a dog yard.

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