Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Famous Players Gift Certificate Ukulele Help Please?

Ukulele help please? - famous players gift certificate

I have a ukulele) for his birthday (whicj'm very satisfied. What we need assistance in voting. I went through A, D, F #, B was what I'd do a quick search found the net and started to learn the ropes in this key. However, more research, the more I find that many of the most famous players appear to favor G, C, E, A. I know that the same ratio adjustment only in a different key, but I go to G, etc. or with a stick when I started with him? I think what I really want to know is if one of them is used as a "standard" setting that most of the players?
I am an experienced guitar player and can have many songs on the same key playing, with or without a capo, playing with different tunings and slide.

Any help appreciated. Oh, and I know how sad I am, before idiots decide that they need, let me know!


Trish B said...

The tenor ukulele makes low-G, Middle C, E, A. Soprano Ukulele tuning is a complete stage: A, D, F #, B. Standard Tenor Ukulele tuning is like g except the middle of the C , the famous "My dog has fleas" tuning. Many people like to hear soprano, because it sounds better, do better by the voice, or because they sing tenor and a soprano, which sounds better support. But be careful, set a standard soprano ukulele can great tension in the neck of a standard uke cause was not designed.

Trish B said...

The tenor ukulele makes low-G, Middle C, E, A. Soprano Ukulele tuning is a complete stage: A, D, F #, B. Standard Tenor Ukulele tuning is like g except the middle of the C , the famous "My dog has fleas" tuning. Many people like to hear soprano, because it sounds better, do better by the voice, or because they sing tenor and a soprano, which sounds better support. But be careful, set a standard soprano ukulele can great tension in the neck of a standard uke cause was not designed.

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