Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Installing Used Navigation Systemridgeline Why Does The GPS Satellite Navigation Program On My PDA Not Work?

Why does the GPS satellite navigation program on my PDA not work? - installing used navigation systemridgeline

He asked me to check the connections when you run the program. The following message appears on the GPS data "need to send the signal detected reinit. He is the co-pilot and a jacket GPS is installed. Used to be working well, but was lately are to regain a signal comletely. I think there is a problem with the GPS.


Bob P said...

If it works, before you know the limits, I do not think so.

The message says you have a connection problem somewhere, probably the antenna port.

Best there is a supervisor for PC or contact the reputable manufacturers.

fsclaol said...

CoPilot so?


She looks like a laptop or PC unit and the cable is not connected / have communication with the antenna.

Is there a reset button on the air? You may need to cold start the unit and antenna, but to the laptop / PC so that you can connect and run distributed the available satellites.

And / or clean the contacts on the cable and antenna and / or verify the continuity of the cable.

Good luck.

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